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Sprint/Olympic Event INFO


Events (Registration opens at 8pm on 1/15/2025):​​​​​


  • Kids Triathlon, Saturday, June 14th 2025

    • 6-13 yrs.

    • Individuals ​

    • Short course 50 yard / 1-mile bike / .6mile run

    • Long course 300 yard, 2-mile bike / 1.2mile run

    • 12pm- 2pm

    • See kids page for more details!


  • Olympic Distance Triathlon, Sunday, June 15th 2025

    • 15 yrs & up

    • Individuals - limited to 75 racers.

    • 1500m swim, 40K bike, 10K run​.​

    • Team Relay: Female, Male and Mixed - limited to 20 teams​


  • Sprint Distance Triathlon, Sunday, June 15th 2025​

    • 13 yrs & up

    • Individual racers - limted to 250 racers.

    • Team Relay: Female, Male and Mixed - limited to 20 teams​

    • High School State Champs.

    • 500 yard swim, 20K bike, 5K run


  • Sprint Distance Duathlon, Sunday, June 15th 2025

    • 13 yrs & up

    • Individuals - no limit.​

    • 1mile trail run, 20K bike, 5K run.​​


  • Bib Pick Up 

  • June10th @ Trek store of Anchorage 5:30 -7pm

    • 530 East Benson Boulevard, STE 9C
      Anchorage AK, 99503.​

    • June 13th @ Healthwise Care Center 5:30-7pm 

    • 11421 Old Glenn Hwy Ste 101, Eagle River, AK 99577

  • Race day starting at 6:30am (revered for out of town racers and professional procrastinators😆)


Race age: Age is based on age you will be on December 31st of the race year per USAT rules (i.e. for the 2029 race it will be the age you are on on 12/31/2029).


Awards Age Groups & Categories: Awards will be around 3pm at the finish area on Sunday.

  • Top 3 Overall M/F- removed for AG.

  • 1st place AG (13-14,15-19,20-24,25-29,30-34,35-39,40-44,45-49,50-54,55-59,60-64,65-69,70+/ Clydesdale / Athena / High School / Duathlon / Teams M,F,Co-ed)


Teams: A team may consist of two or three people. For two-person teams one person will compete in two of the three legs of the race. These legs do not need to be back-to-back (for example team member 1 may do the swim and run, and team member 2 may do the bike). There are no teams for the kids race.​​



The Eagle River Triathlon is the 2025 USAT Alaska State Championship! The stunning course in Chugiak, Alaska just 20 miles north of Anchorage. Known for its spectacular views, and fun, yet challenging bike course, the Eagle River Tri is a favorite among racers in Alaska. Make no mistake ERT is still for everyone with age group awards and fun swag, but if you think you have what it takes to be state champ, here's your shot! We have added an Olympic distance for those that like to suffer longer than the average Joe. Along with a Duathlon option for those that don't care much for the water. We hope this helps grow our multi-sport community and keeps the long running tradition that is the Eagle River Triathlon strong.


Olympic Swim – 1500 meters (33 laps), split lane.

Sprint Swim – 500 yards (10 laps), split lane.

The swim takes place in the Chugiak High School pool.


Key swim details:​

  • Timing chips: ankle straps assigned on pool deck. Place the strap on you left ankle - before you start your swim. DO NOT take off your ankle strap chip until you cross the finish line. These are not disposable chips and must be removed at the finish line and placed in the chip bucket. Find Yoda.

  • Racers will not be allowed to put any gear (i.e. bike helmet, race belt/bib, etc) on the pool deck. All gear must be left in the racer's transition area.


Olympic Bike – 24.8 miles (40K)

Sprint and Duathlon Bike – 12.4 miles (20K)

The bike course consists of two out-and-back sections (2 laps for Olympic racers). Bikers exit out of the north end of the transition area and turn left (west) out of the transition area and up a short ramp to take a sharp right (north) onto S Birchwood Loop Road. Racers continue to the first turnaround at the corner of Old Cranberry Drive & K-L Lane. There will be a cone and volunteer marking the turnaround. Returning back on this same stretch of road, bikers go past Chugiak High School and turn right onto Hillcrest Drive, directly across from the south entrance into Chugiak HS. Racers will then continue through this second out-and-back section of the course which winds through various streets. Following the signs and volunteers, racers then turn at the second turnaround located at North Eagle River Road and ride this same stretch of the course back to the high school. Upon returning to the school, Olympic racers will turn left on S Birchwood Loop and begin their second lap. Sprint and Olympic racers on their last lap will cross S Birchwood Loop Road and enter the school grounds through the south entrance and follow flagging to the right back into transition area to change to run.
 This is a hot corner (that's tri lingo for "very busy") so please cross with care. Racers must slow down entering the high school and down the final stretch to the transition area.


Key bike details:

  • Bike drop off begins race morning at 6:00 a.m. There is no drop off prior to that time or the day before.

  • All participants must wear an undamaged and unaltered helmet, which meets or exceeds the safety standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), and which is clearly labeled by the manufacturer as satisfying such standards.

  • Helmets must be worn whenever on the bike including when transporting bike to and from your vehicle from the event area. 

  • The chin-strap must be fastened at all times.

  • You are responsible for knowing the bike course. Any potentially confusing intersections will be marked with traffic cones and signage.

  • Stay as far to the right as possible and practical. The bike course takes place on an open road. 

  • Obey all traffic laws! This is not a closed course. You will be sharing the road with traffic. Pay attention!

  • Obey all directions of volunteers and traffic officials. 

  • No drafting. You must stay at least 7 meters (or 3 bike lengths) behind the bike in front of you. 

  • You must not attempt to pass another cyclist unless adequate space is available and you are confident of your ability to pass the other cyclist. All passing is to be done to the left of the cyclist being overtaken. Be aware of vehicle traffic. 

  • Absolutely no riding two abreast.

  • You are solely responsible for ensuring your bike is in safe mechanical condition.

  • Do not get on your bike in the transition area. Walk/run your bike through the transition area to the “mount” line before getting on your bike.

  • When returning back to the transition area, get off of your bike at the “dismount” line before entering the transition area. 

  • There are no water stations along the bike course.

  • There is restroom location at each of the bike turnarounds. 



Olympic Run – 6.2 miles (10K)

Sprint and Duathlon Run – 3.1 miles (5K)

The run is a single out-and-back course. Runners exit the south entrance of the parking lot and head east towards the Glenn Highway on the bike path. Proceeding through the underpass, runners then turn left (north) onto the paved trail adjacent to the highway. Runners will continue on the paved trail to the turnaround. There will be two turnaround signs one for the Sprint 5K and one for the Olympic 10K. Both head back on the same route to the finish line. As you enter the school parking lot you will take a hard right and make a 180 degree turn to run behind the school. The finish line will be on the back side of the school over by the track.


  • Obey all directions of volunteers and traffic officials. 

  • You are responsible for knowing the run course. Any potentially confusing intersections will be marked with traffic cones and signage.

  • Wear your bib in the front. Make sure your bib number is visible to the front when you cross the finish line. 

  • There is a water station at the 5k turnaround and finish line. 

  • There are no restrooms on the run course.

  • The timing chips are not disposable chips and must be left at the finish line and placed in the chip bucket. A volunteer will assist you in taking your timing chip off.

  • Once you complete your race hang out and enjoy some snacks on us!



Racers will use the same transition area for both T1 (from swim to bike) and T2 (from bike to run). All racers will have an assigned slot in the transition area.



  • T1 and T2 are the same “active” transition areas. 

  • Transition set-up/bike drop-off begins race morning at 6:00 a.m. Don’t worry, you do not need to arrive at 6:00 a.m., racers may set up any time prior to their start time (even after the race has begun).

  • Please stay alert at all times while in the transition area as it will be active with racers coming in and out. Once you complete your race, please use the designated exits for removing gear to prevent accidents with active racers in transition. 

  • Only racers are allowed in the transition area. 

  • WE HAVE BIKE RACKS THIS YEAR SO NO NEED TO BRING A BIKE STAND! You must use the bike racks provided. Kickstands are not allowed in transition, they are not reliable and can cause other bikes to fall (think dominoes). 

  • Bikes are NOT allowed to be laid down or positioned upside down.

  • Solo racers must return their bike to their designated slot before starting the run. 

  • Please do not loiter in the transition area. Racers are only permitted in the area while setting-up or removing their gear, or while racing. 

  • Once your race is complete we ask that you remove your items as soon as possible and return them to your vehicle to minimize the number of racers in the transition area. Racers are asked to depart the event as soon as reasonably possible following the completion of their race.

  • ​


USAT Rules & Sanctioning


This is a USA Triathlon (USAT) sanctioned event. All USAT rules apply. Participation in a USAT sanctioned event means the event director has the proper permits in place, liability and athlete excess medical insurance coverage and the event plan has met the standard of organization required. USA Triathlon provides rules, guidance and governance to set the standard for safe and fair multi-sport races. 


For more information on USA Triathlon, race rules, and FAQs visit the USAT website at


It is every racer’s responsibility to know the rules, but we like to point out some key USAT rules and other things to remember:

  • No transferring bib numbers to another participant.

  • Helmets must be worn at all times while on your bike. This means before, during, and after the event (including when transporting bike to and from your vehicle.). Chinstraps must be fastened while on your bike.

  • All bicycle bar ends must be solidly plugged.

  • Drafting on the bike is not permitted. Keep at least three bike lengths of clear space between you and the cyclist in front. If you move into the zone, you must pass within 15 seconds. 

  • Adult participants (13 and over) shall not accept assistance of any kind (such as food, drink, equipment, pacing or bike handling) from any person except a race official. 

  • Adult participants must display their race number at all times. Racers are responsible for making sure the timers are aware of their number. Solo racers have different colored numbers than teams.

  • All personal equipment and belongings taken out onto the course must stay on the athlete the entire time

  • It is your responsibility to know the course and transition areas.

  • No headphones allowed while racing.


Race Rules


The event is timed by Fall Line Fitness Timing. 



We welcome spectators at the event. Please leave your dog friends at home. We know they are great cheerleaders, but a loose dog can quickly turn a racer's day south. 



Official race bib transfer policy: No participant may transfer his/her entry slot/bib number to another individual. If an individual is found to have raced under someone else's name or bib number, that person, and the originally assigned racer will be disqualified and risk being banned from future Eagle River Triathlon events. 


Name changes will be available for Teams at a charge of $10.00/person/change. There will be no name changes made on race day.

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